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Investigar | PhD

Robert Hylton is a Choreographer & Movement Director For Television, TV, Adverts, Pop Prom
Robert Hylton is a Choreographer & Movement Director For Television, TV, Adverts, Pop Prom
Robert Hylton is a Choreographer & Movement Director For Television, TV, Adverts, Pop Prom

Robert Hylton (BA, MA)

Currently studying for a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) at Centre for Dance Research: C-DaRE, Coventry University - to be completed in July, 2025. The PhD is fully funded by C-DaRE. My research investigates mediated and lived cultural transmission in popping and Black British social experience

In 2020 I was commissioned to write a dance image archive book Dancing in Time: The History of Moving and Shaking by The British Library published in autumn, 2022

My ongoing research

My research interests focus on streetdance and its relationship with the African diaspora as archive and practice. My main research is popping improvisation as a somatic form.

Related study UK Jazzdance, hip hop, migration, otherness, film, performance, and speculative future. ​

Researching the presence of African diaspora street dance in both the UK and US to enable a broader access and understanding to an often hidden or unspoken representation of black performance and dance over the past 200+ years in Britain. With the aim to enhance and promote the visibility and presence of African diaspora street dance through a British perspective and UK Jazzdance pre and post hip hop in education, academia, performance and research.

The research will help develop a future exhibition and performance work, which focuses on the autonomy of African diaspora street dance as performance in the 21st Century! A presentation based on the research and workshops for community, professional or academic discourse will also be available.

For more information or questions please get in touch


PoP Moves UK committee member: an international research group for popular dance and performance. (On a Break)

Former Associate Research Fellow in the School of Arts at (Birkbeck Centre for Contemporary Theatre), University of London, 2019-2023

Former Visiting Fellow at The Eccles Centre, British Library, 2019


Hylton, R., & Burrows, J. (2023). Creativity, Skill, Integrity, Intelligence and Community: A Conversation on the Nature of Practice in Hip Hop. Dance Research, 41(2), 170-180.


Hylton, R. (2024). A Conversation on the Nature of Practice in Hip-Hop Creativity, Skill, Integrity, Intelligence and Community, Edinburgh University Press. BLOG


Robert Hylton, (2016), Reacting, Shifting and Momentum of a Developing 21st Century Dance, Blurring Boundaries: Urban Street meets Contemporary Dance, P18-27, Serendipity, Du Montfort University.



HOTFOOT Magazine, (2016), ADAD: 21st Anniversary Edition, LONG TERM INVESTORS, P75-77


Robert Hylton, (2011), Skills n Drills, Animated Magazine.



Chambers, C. (Ed.). (2023). The Methuen Drama Encyclopedia of Modern Theatre (1st ed.). Hardback. Published on April 20, 2023.

Hip hop theatre contributor: focusing on the ways in which street/urban/popular dance styles have impacted on theatre.


British Library Eccles Centre BLOG 'Dancing in the Archives...'



Creatively Innovating the Archive: In Conversation with Robert Hylton: Monday, 6 March 2023

De Montfort University's 'Funmi Adewole speaks with first generation UK Hip Hop Theatre pioneer, Robert Hylton.

Talking Back: Hip Hop Through Research and Practice - curated by Dr. Rosa Cisneros

Southbank University – The role of Artistic Director

The Place, London – The life of a choreographer

University of East London Dance: Urban Practice - Hip Hop Pedagogies

University of East London Dance: Urban Practice - Hip Hop Theatre

Northampton University - Hip Hop Dance and Theatre 

Rich Mix, London – Hip hop dance archive, commissioned by State of Emergency

Dance UK (One Dance) AGM at Sadlers Wells  - Websites, culture and information

Danza, teatro, cine y educación

Robert Hylton | Coreógrafo | Entrenador y Director de Movimiento | Consultora de Danza | Mentor | Investigador | Escritor | Archivista

Clase de baile | Talleres de Danza | Baile hip hop | Teatro Hip Hop | Danza Contemporánea | Educación en Danza | Rendimiento

Copyright © 2021 Robert Hylton, Todos los derechos reservados


Danza, teatro, cine y educación

Robert Hylton | Coreógrafo | Entrenador y Director de Movimiento | Consultora de Danza | Mentor | Investigador | Escritor | Archivista

Clase de baile | Talleres de Danza | Baile hip hop | Teatro Hip Hop | Danza Contemporánea | Educación en Danza | Rendimiento

Copyright © 2021 Robert Hylton, Todos los derechos reservados

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